Which type of canvas should I choose? 

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When you are looking to find the right canvas for your paintings, you can choose between a wide variety of different types - each with its own specific set of benefits. Depending on the look you want and whether it is for kids or adults, you can find both expensive and less expensive options.

In addition to size, both the material and the canvas structure will have an impact on the finished painting. It is therefore a good idea to choose your canvas based on what kind of paint you are using and how you want the finished result to look.

Classic Cotton Canvas

The classic cotton canvas is the obvious choice for both acrylic and oil paint. It is easy to work on and keeps the tension even while the paint is wet. The canvas is primed with white so that it does not absorb too much paint, while still allowing full coverage.

Canvas Board

If you want a more solid surface to work on, then a canvas board is a good option. It takes up less space and feels like a regular piece of paper when you paint. Moreover, the cardboard under the canvas makes it easy to carry and move around. It is the optimal choice for kids who like to experiment with paint.

Pattern Design Canvas

This kind of canvas has a pattern/motif already drawn for you, so you just need to fill it in with the colours of your choosing. Here, acrylic paint is the best choice because it dries faster and is easier to work with for both children and adults.

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